Monday, June 18, 2012

Back in the Blogosphere

I haven't blogged since 2010. A friend encouaged me to read her blog. So I did. Then I thought I'd get back into the game. Here it goes.

Today was a weird day. I woke up and decided to go for a drive out to Salt Lake looking for a new local place to eat. Usually when I do go out there, I'll go to Del Taco, Chick-Fil-A, Carl's Jr. or Chipotle (we don't have any of those places in Park City). Those are all chain restaurants. I thought I'd try something new. I found a hamburger stand. It opens at 11am. It was 10am. Then I found a soup place. That also opened at 11am. Then I went around to the chain places. They all opened at 11am.

Seriously, none of the places that I want to eat at open before 11am? In the words of one of my television heroes, (GOB from Arrested Development) "C'mon"! Anywho, I finally caved and waited 'til 11am and went to the soup place which was called, "The Soup Kitchen".

The Soup Kitchen was actually pretty good. I had a bowl of clam chowder. The weird thing was that it was kind of  like the same atmosphere as the Soup Nazi restaurant from Seinfeld. The lady wouldn't let me get my food until I grabbed  a tray. I truly reccomend this place to anybody. Let's go on to the rest of my day.

I've been growing my hair out to save money on a haircut. I even went out and bought my own haircut set. It was bothering me all day. So after I got home from Salt Lake, I decided it was time to a get a haircut. When I got to the point where it almost looked perfect,  I noticed that it wasn't. I took the guide off of my trusty buzzer and started to fix my hair. Then I slipped and I messed it all up. I had a giant bald stripe in the back of my head. So, I thought the only way to fix my hair was to shave it all off. That's what I did, and I'm going to regret it for the next few weeks. All I can say is that I hope it grows back.

That was my day.


  1. You hope it grows back? Go ahead and assume it will grow back.

  2. Also, you could buy an urban sombrero to wear for a month, til the hair returns.

  3. I like the no hair look on you.
