Thursday, January 24, 2013


Well, the Sundance Film Festival is here and it's almost over. It's a weird time of year in here in Park City. For ten days, the town becomes an insane place to be. If you live here, it's a pain because of the traffic.You also can't just park on the street or in the parking garage, because you have to pay to park. It's even hard to walk on the sidewalk or to cross the street. It sounds miserable, but I love it.

The atmosphere is something magical (but you can also love to hate it). You walk down Main St. and you'll see street performers. Vendors are always giving out free stuff, from water bottles to gloves to dinners. You might even get to see someone famous. As I said earlier, you can love to hate it. You can't just get into an event. If you want to get into a Sundance event (I'm not talking about a movie), you have to have credentials.

I can make a big deal about seeing the celebrities around town. I think it's because my life can be boring sometimes, and I need something to spice it up a bit. I work at a rental shop at a ski resort, and some famous people will come in during the festival and rent from us. Dave Grohl and his family came in and it was the thrill of a lifetime helping them out. He and his wife were some of the nicest people I've ever met, and his kids were so well behaved. Casey Wilson from the show, "Happy Endings" came in and rented skis from me and invited me to her movie, "Ass Backwards".

Celebrities can also be real jerks. I walked down the street and bumped into Michael Cera. He went off and told me to watch where I was going. Then he called me a tourist. I had a similar experience with Casey Affleck. They're visiting my town and  they call me a tourist. What's up with that? I saw Peter Fonda and told him how cool it was to meet him, and he said that I was too young to even know who he was and he assumed that the only movie that I had seen him in was, "Ghost Rider".

Funny story, I was looking for a place called, "The Sundance House". I asked a guy if he knew where it was. The guy turned around, and it was Josh Randor. I just said, "Dude, you're Ted Mosby." I asked if I could take a picture with him, but he was tired and really just wanted to go back to his condo.

There's about three more days left of the festival. Who knows, maybe I'll meet Tom Hanks and he'll get a restraining order against me. Caio!

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